I should be packing for my quicktrip to L.A but I came across my blog & thought I should update... Soooooo I almost forgot how to blog & the stinking photo uploader thing is not letting me upload anymore so I'm just going to start with what I got... Here's what's been going on in my world starting from the most recent (April-ish 'til February). I will upload more photos of my life when the site decides to be nice and work for me & I will try (reallllllllly realllllly hard to update more often)... I took twitter off my blog kz I think that's why I get all these weird comments from random sites/ppl & I hate it... So yeah... Here's what it is until I get on here again... LuvLoveHeartyou all & hope life is treating u well...
APRIL: My car got mobbed twice on April Fools but could only upload this photo before the uploader thing didn't want to continue lol.

APRIL: Greeting the JABBAWOCKEEZ @ the SLC airport!!! Cool dudes.

MARCH:Went to the Festival of Colors for the 1st time ever!!! If you haven't been plan on going next year... It's super fun! Just google it..

FEB: Went to IRB 7's in Vegas

FEB: Played with this Ohio Team in Vegas over the IRB 7's wkend... Was the 1st time I had played in 4 months after my ankle injury... ohhh yeah I never wrote about that on here huh lol.. maybe another post..

1 comment:
niiice update. and yes u need to blog more often. lol.
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