Thursday, September 22, 2011

tennnnnnis w/my Pops

it's a gritty/pixel-ated photo thanks to my ancient phone but I don't always have my mini SLR with me so it gets the job done. lol  Anyways... 

Since I've moved out it
seems like I spend more time
visiting home & doing things with the fam.
Especially my Dad.

phone call with my Dad:

Dad: Where are you?
Me: at home.
Dad: what are you doing?
Me: I just got off work so I'm gonna sleep.
Dad: Do you want to go play tennis later?
Me: sure
Dad: Ok meet at the rec. courts.

hahahaha I was surprised this guy called me of all the people in the world to go play with him.  I remember when I was in Jr. High or something & he was trying to teach me how to play.  I kept laughing & hitting the ball over the fence. LOL  He would just shake his head & say stop laughing you're wasting your energy & hold the racket nicely.  I didn't take it seriously (& I laugh when I don't know what I'm doing--actually I just laugh a lot in general lol) but fast forward to now & I just absolutely love playing.  I'm not a pro but I'm taking in what he's teaching me & not laughing as much lol.  I'm most def an amateur when it comes to this game but I love being able to spend time with my Dad & enjoy the weather while it's still nice out....  Once it starts snowing we'll move it indoors for some racquetball---my Dads ultimate game besides rugby oh & tennis too lol

1 comment:

Aggz15 said...

this is cute! i wanna play tennis with u guys one day! lol and i'm happy u still blog yaaay lol