Wednesday, October 1, 2008

So my little brother TJ...

If you don't know this kid, you ought to get to know him. He's pretty funny and random.
We had this text conversation the other day and it just made me laugh.

TJ: Dad said to buy a sponge for el dishioshes.
Me: HaHaHa ok
TJ: garlic cheese? Dad wants garlic cheese.
Me: what the heck is that? guess I'll just ask someone at the store, do you guys want anything?
TJ: Yeah chips for the salsa. Haha. Weirrrrd. Oh well, if you can get me a 4.0 that would be amazing.
Me: ok I'll get that stuff and I'll pick up your 4.0 at checkout hahaha
TJ:just kidding you know the stuff you eat with peaches and pineapple or whatever. The stuff he always eats Haha. What is it called?
Me: hahaha COTTAGE CHEESE you dork you are such a FOB!!! haha
TJ:Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Lol. Lidol. Rofl. Wow. Garlic cheese Haha. Hahaha. Man. That was a phenomical text. They are taking my phone in their room at night cause they think i text people until 3
Me: hahaha your funny and they should take away the guitars kz that's what you stay up playing hahaha
TJ: hmm. Okay, well, chips, a sponge, and cottage cheese. Whoo! Man. Maybe I should take english 12
Me: yeah or maybe you should take ESL. hahaha
TJ:Esl? Okay. Feliz navi da! Daz? Dad?
Me: weird?
TJ: Yeah. Okay. You should get me a juice of some sort. Or an aide of some kink. Just a drink. That would be cool. Pleases and thankfulnesses.
Me: k i'll call you when i get to the store
TJ: Kay. bye.

If you read this and you're thinking "WOOOOOW" haha and your lost... Don't worry, this text is mostly for my own sake :)


ma'elePHOTO said...

hahaha... I love that he FORGOT what COTTAGE CHEESE was called?! How about I don't even know how to text... of the three texts that I've sent in my lifetime it took me FOREVER to figure out how to send. I miss you guys! I miss TJ playing his guitar and me hiva loi-ing to him playing. LOVE YOU TWO!!!

kahea said...

oh my goodness I love it! Love the randomness...and your fambam!